Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Archbishop - WIP 4 - Eye Test 2

Redone most of the eye model and textures! Now it feels a lot better
Decided to construct the eye model in 3 parts. 1; The Iris (white). Hand-sculpted it so there's a lot more depth to the structure. Also, having its own mesh provides a lot more UV space for that crucial part of the eye, 2; The Inner Sclera (green) for the eyeball color and opacity gradient and 3; The Outer Sclera (blue) to add thickness and refraction. The model has a higher initial polycount than the previous one, but it doesn't need any displacement or smoothing at all, which is a lot lighter in the end. 
Iris sculp and decimation in ZBrush
Iris UVs in RizomUV
Eyeball modeling and UVs in 3ds Max
Baking in Marmoset Toolbag
Textures in Photoshop & Quixel NDO