Thursday, February 27, 2020

Archbishop - WIP 7 - It has a body

It now has a full body, if you can call it that. I chopped the model in pieces to make distinct sections. I then detailed the teeth and decided to keep the teeth and gums as one model because I want a lot of transitioning between them 'cause it's grosser that way. Then I went for a detailing pass on the foreskin / eye sockets and added a surgical wound on his throat the shape of the papal cross for symbolism. I haven't used any alphas so far, just hand sculpted stuff; long but meditating. The Chasuble (cloak) is not final though, I want more dripping and maybe something more Beksinski-esque at the top like the legs, which are also pretty rough now and need some changes; so far so good though!
Sculpting in ZBrush